We, the Eifeler Metall- und Zinkwerke (EMZ Werke Manderfeld) have been a major player in the metal, energy and wood fiber sectors for the past decade.

Our diversified business strategy covers mechanical engineering applications, the production of gratings, and the production of wood fiber, using sustainable energy systems.

Our services range from specialist planning in our in–house research and development department, to tailor-made production solutions. It’s all produced in our contemporary factories. Expert on-site assembly takes place after analyzing project needs, with customer-oriented communication and feedback during all critical production phases.

Wood fiber production has become an important manufacturing process for “EMZ Werke”. Wood fiber is considered an ideal peat substitute and therefore a suitable addition to potting soil and growing substrates. It’s also an opportunity to contribute positively to the environment.

We produce renewable energy, in the form of electricity and heat, from biomass.

Remaining stock from warehouse range

Grating production was stopped at the beginning of 2024. Remaining stock from the warehouse range is still available. We would be happy to provide you with information about this. Please send your request to verkauf@emz-belgium.com

For more than six decades, the manufacture of gratings has been a tried-and-tested product line at the Merlscheid/Manderfeld site. This expertise consistently guarantees outstanding quality and multi-layered design, primarily in steel. Stainless steel and aluminum-based material will be provided on request. Based on top technical equipment, organizational flexibility and recognized expertise.


Kontaktieren Sie uns

Merlscheid 26, 4760 Büllingen, Belgien

+32 (0)80 54 00 70